The Magical Moving Trees are living sentient beings, the guardians of the woodlands. The age of these wise Dendroids are unclear, for they have wandered the wilderness unseen for as long as time itself. They seek to protect their beloved brethren of the forests, and so have revealed themselves, and travelled to meet the creatures that rely so heavily on them for resources: the race known as ‘humans’.
The Magical Moving Trees are a three-piece stilt walking troupe, equipped with a guide (acting as their chaperone) to invite the public closer, and keep the trees safe. The Magical Moving Trees are primarily a walkabout act that interact with the public, although they have been used in a previous wagon show, ‘Reynard the Fox’. At a height of 10 feet tall, this act is hard to go unnoticed within a crowd.
They can be sited in town centers, festivals, community events, even indoors, and especially any event involving trees! The trees are most comfortable on a flat surface, and can handle small inclines and declines, but are not suitable for uneven ground or hillsides. This act can also feature live musical accompaniment.
To book ‘The Magical Moving Trees’ or for more information and tour requirements, please contact us or our producer, Lou Lomas at
The Magical Moving Trees were created in 2012 as a roaming walkabout animation as part of the Coventry Mysteries festival, supported by Coventry University, that The Fabularium performed in.
Artistic Director – Glenn Noble
Associate Director – Joff Chafer
Maker – Russell Dean of Strangeface Theatre