The Plague Doctors




An eerie echo of silence surrounds The Plague Doctors, and although their air of misfortune may dissuade you from their craft, you must ignore your fear and trust these artists of death, for they are your only hope of surviving the plague.


This show can include up to three doctors and can incorporate live sound scapes, movement and audience interaction. This show can adapt to any space that is small, dimly lit and intimate. This show works best with small audiences and in a quiet area.

The Plague Doctor show piloted at the Herbert Lates in the Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry and was performed in the crypt below the gallery. We are looking to explore this show, the darker side of our company and work with more installation commissions.


To book ‘The Plague Doctors’ or for more information and tour requirements, please contact us or our producer, Lou Lomas at


The Plague Doctors were created in 2012 as a processional act and a roaming walkabout animation as part of the Coventry Mysteries festival, supported by Coventry University, that The Fabularium performed in. 
Artistic Director – Glenn Noble
Associate Director – Joff Chafer
Maker – Kieran Steward